Corporate and Training Videos

Corporate and Training Videos

It is a well-known fact that most strategic change efforts fail because the people element is forgotten about. Simply communicating a process or a new product effectively can make the difference between success and failure, so it’s important to get it right.

Due to the fast rise in digital filming technology and the falling costs, broadcast quality video production is now available everyone at a reasonable price. Stuffed Monkey Video specialises in low to mid budget corporate and training videos and them delivering at the highest quality possible and beyond.

Training your staff can be tedious and time consuming. Also, how can you be sure that each lesson is the same and the information continuous?  Sitting in a classroom in front of a lecturer for hours on end covering subjects like health and safety or company ethics need many resources such as a room, a television or projector, a trainer and lots of time.

Video training condenses overall time required on certain subjects by showing the practical “do’s and don’t’s of any given subject visually. No need to have the training in situ or even in a class room. Training can be done on company computers or if applicable, at home. The testing can be done and signed off.

As your company changes, so will your training needs. We can adapt any of our originally shot videos with updates or retrofit any existing videos you may have.


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Example Corporate Videos